Unlock the opportunities in digital age through


UNIFID is a blockchain based platform for individuals and institutions issuing Digital ID's - Decentralised Identity (DID) and Verified Credentials (VC). These will simplify sharing identity information with service providers instantly, without compromising security and privacy.


Download UNIFID today to Own and Manage your Identity


UNIFID enables companies to streamline their customer on-boarding exercise by removing time consuming manual checks and the need for paper work. The UNIFID solution allow users to submit verified credentials during the on-boarding process which gives our clients the ability to conduct faster on-boarding of users and improve overall user experience.


Use Cases

Know Your Customer

Financial services incur significant costs to comply with KYC requirements.

VC’s offer a secure instant assessment of identity reducing the cost and time; UNIFID continuous validations ensure alignment with compliance.

Legal Entity Verification

Traditional company verification procedures are complex, expensive and time consuming.

UNIFID platform simplifies working with new business partners by simplifying the due diligence process.

Trade Licenses

Trade compliance, an important element of international trade, which often faces delays due to robust verifications required for compliance.

Verified Credentials offers the solution to meet increasing regulatory demands.

Professional Certificates

Qualifications represented through Certificates, leads to world of opportunities; but they often have least security controls.

Certificates issued as Verified Credentials offers implicit security and validation.


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DID’s with their uniqueness, persistent and secure characteristics offers the banking industry to address ID, KYC and AML challenges.

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Identity correlation is vital in lending industry to control over-borrowing and defaults. DID’s enable MFI's to mitigate bad loans.

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Telcos face significant challenges with Identity fraud to control misuse of critical services. DID’s offer the solution to reduce ID fraud.

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Digital remittance, peer-peer models are replacing tradition money transfer services. DID’s forms the backbone of future remittances.

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Fintech’s are rapidly changing FS landscape; the services are centered on KYC. DID’s will provide the required speed and agility.



How it works

Decentralised Identity puts the users in control of their identity less the institutions. Cryptography leads identity decentralisation, enabling trust between various parties as in the illustration. Users (Holders) through their secure identity wallet can control what they share and to who they share their data.

Issuers are institutions (like National Identity Office, Passport Office, Universities) who will issue attestations to individuals and institutions as Verified Credentials.
Issuers will be registered with Sovrin Ledger, who identities can be globally verified to establish the trust and authenticity in a decentralized manner.
Holders, through Identity Wallet, will connect with Issuer(s) and request attestations in the form of Verified Credentials.
Holders present VC’s to service provides aka Verifies to prove identity, ownership and such other prerequisites for service provision.
Verifiers validate Verified Credentials (VC’s) by verifying Issuers against Sovrin Ledger and cryptographically validating VC’s.
Identity (ID) Wallet is a mobile app that holds VC's and acts a user agent to securely communicate with Issuers and Verifiers.
ID Wallet ensures data privacy by putting the user in absolute control of their data - who they share and what they share.
UNIFID, through its Bridge Protocol offers the freedom for users to port identity to any Blockchain of their choice – Ethereum, Celo, Solana, Cardano and etc; we are soon adding other protocols


UNIFID is a digital identity and verified credentials platform that enables users to create their own decentralised identity (DID) and request/store their identities and qualifications as digital credentials.

What is Decentralised Identity/Identifier (DID)?
A globally unique identifier developed specifically for decentralized identity systems as defined in the W3C DID specification.
DID’s enable interoperable decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity management.
DID’s are associated with exactly one interaction, avoiding correlation and ensuring individuals privacy, much needed in the current internet domain times.

A Credential is a Proof from the Issuer. Typically this proof is in the form of a digital signature. A Verifiable Credential uses Zero Knowledge Proofs by default and can usually be verified by the Issuer Public Key stored in the Credential Definition on the Sovrin Ledger.

Start the journey, by downloading the UNIFID APP from PlayStore. Complete the registration and you will be guided to apply for various Verified Credentials as you need.

As a user (Holder) in UNIFID platform getting a DID doesn’t not cost you anything.

An entity or organisation that issues Credentials to Holders. Issuers are either Government Organisations (or those proxying them), affiliated entities such as Universities or private ones such as Banks, Telcos and etc.

You can use your DID to sign up/in for any online service or with service provider (s)that accepts Verified Credentials

Please request for account deletion through in app Contact Us option